Blessed to be a Blessing and Growing Disciples of Jesus sums up the DNA of the parish.
These two mottos have served as a beacon for decisions in the past and continue to
influence our thinking as we now explore what it means to be missionaries in our community.
Our Church Team
One of the goals of the Greymouth & Kumara Anglican Parish is “every member ministry”. We work with people to identify areas of giftedness and availability to find places of service. So our Church Team is actually Everyone! However, there are a few people who are involved on a regular basis for more than 15 hours/wk. These people and their roles are described below:
Marge Tefft (Kingston)
Marge has been vicar since 2008. She is married to Robin Kingston. She has a passion for sung worship and the Scriptures.
Robin Kingston
Assistant Priest / Administrator
Robin is the former vicar of the parish ministering in Greymouth for over 30 years. He is married to Marge Tefft and is particularly gifted in teaching and healing of memories ministry.
Robin is currently the administrator for the parish.
Emily Holmes
Priest in Training
Emily is serving her last year of curacy here at HTC Greymouth. She is married to Greg Holmes and they have three boys, Sam (at Uni), Elijah, and Gabriel. Emily has a passion for the church as family on mission and for inner healing ministry.
Nicki Mora
Youth Leader
Nicki is a talented youth leader who is now past her 25th year as the enthusiastic leader of The Shed with its Friday night community youth group. She also oversees “The Way” youth service.